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Staying Sane In This Insane World

Writer: Prianca SansarePrianca Sansare

My Instagram poll results
My Instagram poll results

A week ago, when I did a poll on my Instagram stories to choose between mental well-being and reading habits for my next blog-post, there were more than 74 percent votes for reading habits. I wasn’t expecting it but I must say I was not surprised. The internet and social media are flooded with advises, tips and tricks about dealing with mental health, anybody would be sick of it. On the other hand, here I am, writing this post because this is for those 26 percent who voted for mental well-being. Everybody matters here. Please remember I am not an expert or a professional so I am not going to tell you all what you should do. I will tell you what I do when things go downhill or when I feel horrible, which you can choose to do or not.

I am an introvert and my circle of friends is limited. A few days ago I was talking to a couple of my friends and it was a fun conversation and nothing happened during that conversation to trigger me, yet my emotions were all over the place and I was crying exactly a couple hours post that call and had already called a bunch of my friends and spoke to them. These are difficult times and we are all in this together, so please know it’s fine to break down every now and then. We all have bad days, it’s all good in the hood. I always make it a point to reach out to my friends when I am overthinking about something or if I feel low. I tell them exactly what I feel and what my thoughts are and they always are there for me. If you ring a friend and if you don’t feel that they are supportive and understanding then it’s time to say bye. It might sound extreme to you but think about it and it will make sense. Of course, they are not your therapist, but they should at least be able to tell you that you need one and they are there for you and not be dismissive.

Now there are also some of those days when I don’t want to talk to anyone and even if I do, it doesn’t help. These are the days when I want to be out in the nature. I am lucky enough to stay in this beautiful part of Bombay where I am surrounded by the ocean and colonial architecture, two things I love the most. I just go for a walk, listen to music and observe things around me which always mesmerize me. There are dogs and dog-walkers, bunch of oldies hanging out, sunsets, beautiful bungalows and much more. Somehow this always makes me feel grateful and takes my mind off things which are troubling me.

Can you believe this is a flat-lay?
Can you believe this is a flat-lay?

Food always makes me feel better. I ditch home cooked meals on days that I want a pick-me-up. Don’t bash me up for emotional eating but certain foods just make you feel better. Chocolates help in releasing endorphin in your brain along with a few other feel-good hormones. Grab a chocolate and see it for yourself. If that doesn’t help, order your favourite pizza or those momos you always loved. Give your comfort food a chance to elevate your mood.

Don’t want to eat a chocolate? It’s okay. The feel-good hormones will bless you with their presence after a good workout too. Don’t roll your eyes at me, try working out or any form of exercise that you enjoy. I enjoy dance fitness and resistance training and it really makes me feel good. I feel like I have accomplished something so good when I finish my workout, I don’t underestimate my workout no matter what. I don’t have abs but exercising makes me feel good and I will do it for that feeling, that’s progress and achievement. Hike, run, yoga, Pilates, dance…choose your form.

Images from quarantine selfie bank
Images from quarantine selfie bank

I take a lot of pictures of myself and everything around me. Everything. I have a zillion selfies I took during this lockdown where I had nowhere to go but I combed my hair, put my lipstick on and just smiled for the camera. You don’t need a reason or occasion to dress up and take pictures. You see a beautiful sunset? Take a picture and admire your click. I don’t care how it sounds but it works for me. You should give it a shot and let me know.

When we all were too busy we only had self-care Sundays. Some of us even skipped that but self-care and grooming is an important factor when it comes to making yourself feel good. Indulge yourself in face masks, pedicures, manicure and massages. Do it yourself at home, girls and boys. It doesn’t require a lot and I am positive it will make you feel good.

I have tried baking and cooking these past few months. Cooking is therapeutic and I walked the talk. Not just cooking, it can be anything. Try your hand at something new or something which you always wanted to do. Some people say they don’t have a hobby or they don’t know what they like, it is completely alright. You are spoilt for choices; pick up a book, paint, sketch, take pictures, edit your old pictures, create a video, learn a new language. There is so much you can do to distract yourself from negative thoughts. Maybe the thoughts won’t go away but you learnt something in the meantime and you will be proud of yourself.

Bunch of random pictures I clicked
Bunch of random pictures I clicked

I am not perfect and I struggle from time to time but I am learning and trying to share whatever I have learnt. Just hope this helps everyone who are struggling on their bad days but if you feel nothing is helping and no one understands you, please reach out for help and talk to a professional. Nothing is more important than your well-being and every problem has a solution. If you are not able to solve your problem, let someone help you find a solution. Now is the right time.

See you all next Wednesday and I would love to hear from you guys.



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